About the Welcome Center
Willkommen! Welcome! We would like to briefly introduce ourselves.
We inform and support you around the arrival, so that you can focus on the actual reasons of your stay. For this purpose, we cooperate with various internal as well as external stakeholders, such as embassies and authorities. Our goal is to further strengthen the welcome culture at the University of Graz.
In our consultations and on this website, we provide information on the following topics (to name a few):
- Visa & residence permit for students, staff and guest researchers
- Finding accommodation in Graz
- Administrative steps after arrival (registration of residence, EU registration, opening a bank account...)
- Taxes and working in Austria for international staff (initial information and info events)
- (Health) insurance
- Learning German in Graz
- Offers for (international) staff or students
First contact point for internationals
New at the University of Graz? We know that structures and processes are a bit confusing when moving to another country, you often don't know whom to contact. Therefore, please feel free to contact us and we will refer you to the people in charge, if necessary.
Julia Taucher, BA. MA.
Julia has been coordinating the Welcome Center since its kick-off in 2016. She completed her master's degree in English/American Studies at the University of Graz and wrote her master's thesis on the topic of advising international students. In addition to her role at the Welcome Center, she is also the deputy director of the International Office.
Working hours: 40 hours per week

Lei Wang BCom
Lei has been working in the International Office since 2023. As of January 2025 she has been supporting both the Welcome Center and Joint Programmes Team. Prior to moving to Austria, Lei studied and worked in China, Japan and Canada. She earned her bachelor's degree in Business Economics in Canada and a bachelor's degree in Computer Science in China.
Working hours: 10 hours per week

How to reach us:
The Welcome Center office is located on the 1st floor of the main building (Universitätsplatz 3, 8010 Graz).
Please contact us in advance to schedule a personal appointment.
You can usually reach us by phone between 8 am and 3 pm under +43 316 380 3940 or by email: welcome@uni-graz.at / international.students(at)uni-graz.at
Julia Trattnig BA BA M.A. MA.
Julia - also known as July, so it doesn't get too confusing with two Julias - studied Romance studies, political science and gender studies in Vienna and Graz. She has been working at the International Office since 2023 and, in addition to the Welcome Center, is also responsible for Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes.
Working hours: 20 hours per week