(Public) transportation in Graz
Many people in Graz get around either by public transport or by bicycle. You can find more information on this page.
Public transport
On the Website of Holding Graz Linien you will find all information about public transport in Graz.
The best way to find your way around is to install the GrazMobil app. You can also buy tickets there.
Tickets for staff members
Staff members of the University of Graz can get a discounted annual or half-year ticket when meeting certain requirements. You must apply for the University of Graz subsidy before purchasing the ticket, a refund of costs is not possible. Further information can be found on the intranet.
Tickets for students
Students under 26 can get the Top-Ticket for students for 187 euros per semester, which is valid throughout Styria. All information on this can be found on the page indicated before. There is also a Klimaticket Steiermark Jugend for people up to 26, the ticket costs 399 euros for one year or 299 euros if you have registered your main residence in Graz. It is valid for one year.
Students over 26, for example, can buy the Klimaticket Steiermark Classic for 399 euros (main residence Graz) or 499 euros (main residence outside Graz). It is valid for one year.
All tickets can be purchased at the Holding Graz mobility center at Jakoministraße 1, 8010 Graz. Some tickets may also be obtained via the GrazMobil app on your smartphone.

You can also get around in Graz by bike. You can find a used bike at www.willhaben.at, for example.
If you move your residence to Graz and bring your vehicle with you, it is mandatory to register the vehicle in Austria, no matter how long your stay lasts. You have 4 weeks after registering your residence ("Meldezettel") to register/import the vehicle. Violation of this guideline may result in the removal of your license plate. Further information
International driving licenses
EU/EEA driving licenses are accepted in Austria without any problems. Driving licenses from third countries may have to be converted after 6 months, for more information, click here.
Parking your car in Graz
You can park for a maximum of 3 hours in parking spaces in the green or blue zone, unless you have an exception parking permit for residents. To get this, you must be a resident of Graz and submit an application. Further information
Parking on campus
There is no publicly accessible parking lot on campus. If you are a staff member or guest researcher and need to park on campus at short notice, it is best to ask at your institute/center if there is an option (for example, an existing pool parking permit). Uni Graz staff can apply for a parking permit at the university campus, the application takes place once a year. There is no entitlement to a parking space as a staff member.